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Human Resources

Simply digitize HR processes

Easily coordinate all HR processes in collaborative workflows across departments and company boundaries. On-, re- and offboarding in one place. Flexibly customizable by yourself.


Coordinate all activities of different departments in collaborative workflows to equip new employees on time. Offer new colleagues more and provide them with short videos introducing themselves to the departments involved.

Reboarding and offboarding

Ensure personnel changes in the organization are implemented quickly and accurately. Automate the update of affected systems and applications.

Job Requirements

Coordinate job requests from different departments in a structured manner until they are approved. Determine concrete profiles for internal and external job descriptions that are automatically.

Applicant Management

Assign incoming applications directly to associated jobs. Use evaluation criteria from the job description for the comparability of applicant profiles.

Trainings with certification

Provide people with training material in digital forms and multimedia content. Evaluate results and generate certificates for passed exams both automatically.

Experience how useful collaborative HR processes can be!